Bank tab expansion, exclusive hairstyles, basket brawl and more from the dat file!
Tuesday 9th of July 2013
Hello fellow explorers! It took me a bit longer to sift through the sheer amount of new strings. This also means I could've missed a couple important ones but I will keep you up to date.

Bank tab expansion
109837_0747    Even More Space! Expand your Bank Up to 15 Tabs!
109837_0748    Add an extra bank tab for your account. Each account can purchase up to 14 additional tabs including any previously purchased in game.
109837_0749    Double-click to add an extra bank tab for your account. Each account can have up to 15 total bank tabs.
Limited time summons
109837_0743    Unlimited use for one week. Summons a Banker NPC to your location for 15 minutes.
109837_0744    Unlimited use for one week. Summons a Black Lion Trading Post NPC to your location for 15 minutes.
109837_0745    Unlimited use for one week. Summons a merchant NPC to your location which lasts for 15 minutes. 
109837_0746    Exclusive Hairstyles! Only in Hair and Makeover Kits!
Basket Brawl
109838_0444    Basket Brawl
109838_0445    —Put the ball in the basket to score points for your team.
109838_0446    —Close-up shots are worth 2 points.
109838_0447    —Faraway shots are worth 3 points.
109838_0448    —Shoot mid-jump to enhance accuracy.
109838_0449    —Once time's up, the team with the highest score wins.
Update - Flute
109839_0085    Raise your flute to start playing.
109839_0086    Start Playing
109839_0087    Lower your flute.
109839_0088    Stop Playing
Update - PvP finishers
109839_0265    This is your active finisher. When you finish a downed foe, this finisher will be used.
109839_0266    This is your default finisher. If your active finisher expires after all its uses have been consumed, your active finisher will automatically be set to this finisher. You may not set the default finisher to the same skill as the active finisher.
Some images: