Upcoming Gemstore items from Path of Fire
Tuesday 26th of September 2017
As I mentioned before I'm not going to do a full PoF data-mining post any time soon, but I can give you a spoiler free list of upcoming gemstore items.

Mini Pets
[&AgGJSwEAAA==]Mini Zaishen Puppy [»]
[&AgEGTAEAAA==]Mini Maraca Choya Pinata [»]
Branded Wings
[&Cj8eAAA=]Branded Wing Backpack [»]
1773903_0245Branded Wing Backpack and Glider Combo
1773904_0003Branded Wing Glider
[&CkIeAAA=]Trained Choya Hammer Skin [»]
[&CkQeAAA=]Foefire Greaves (Light) [»]
[&Ci0eAAA=]Foefire Greaves (Medium) [»]
[&Ci4eAAA=]Foefire Greaves (Heavy) [»]
Waypoint unlocks
1825749_0905Central Tyria Waypoint Unlock Package
1825755_0106Contains a full set of the waypoint unlockers from the Waypoint Unlock Box.
1825756_0249Waypoint Unlock Box now available!
67279Waypoint Unlock Box
67279Using this item will allow you to unlock all the waypoints in a region of your choosing. You can only choose regions within Central Tyria.
84971Maguuma Jungle Waypoint Unlock
84971Using this item will allow you to unlock all the waypoints in the Maguuma Region. (Brisban Wildlands, Caledon Forest, Dry Top, Metrica Province, and The Silverwastes)
85144Orrian Shoreline Waypoint Unlock
85144Using this item will allow you to unlock all the waypoints in the Ruins of Orr Region. (Cursed Shore, Malchor's Leap, Mount Maelstrom, Sparkfly Fen, Southsun Cove, and Straits of Devastation)
85178Ascalonian Grassland Waypoint Unlock
85178Using this item will allow you to unlock all the waypoints in the Ascalon Region. (Blazeridge Steppes, Diessa Plateau, Fields of Ruin, Fireheart Rise, Iron Marches, and Plains of Ashford)
85197Shiverpeak Mountains Waypoint Unlock
85197Using this item will allow you to unlock all the waypoints in the Shiverpeak Mountain region. (Dredgehaunt Cliffs, Frostgorge Sound, Lornar's Pass, Snowden Drifts, Timberline Falls, and Wayfarer Foothills)
85260Krytan Valley Waypoint Unlock
85260Using this item will allow you to unlock all the waypoints in the Kryta Region. (Bloodtide Coast, Gendarran Fields, Harathi Hinterlands, Kessex Hills, and Queensdale)
Black Lion Keys
85078Black Lion Key Set
85078Double-click to receive the following items: 10 Black Lion Chest Keys and 1 Golden Black Lion Chest Key
1653802_0939Golden Black Lion Chest Key[s]
1664244_0827Unlocks a Black Lion Chest with a guaranteed uncommon or better item.