Upcoming features from the January 22 patch

Lunar new year has returned and these are the new items from this patch, next one will probably be in two weeks.
- Shrine Guardian Outfit
- Shrine Guardian Appearance Package
- Staff of Fortune Skin
- Black Lion Chest
- Shrine Guardian Outfit (female)
- Shrine Guardian Outfit (male)
Item | Description |
Outfit | |
[&AgGOXwEAAA==] | Shrine Guardian Outfit |
2101151_0448 | Shrine Guardian Appearance Package |
Staff Skin | |
[&AgGTXwEAAA==] | Staff of Fortune Skin |
Armor Skin | |
2101150_0117 | Exalted Shoulders |
Mini Pets | |
[&AgGRXwEA] | Mini Festive Lantern |
[&AgGXXwEA] | Mini Fortunate Lantern |
[&AgGcXwEA] | Mini Glowing Lantern |
[&AgGZXwEAAA==] | Mini Shrine Guardian |
Rune | |
2101151_0450 | Recipe: Rune of Fireworks |
2085251_0896 | Superior Rune of Fireworks |
Backpacks | |
[&Cq8hAAA=] | Lucky Boar Lantern |
[&CrAhAAA=] | Lucky Great Boar Lantern |
New Year | |
2101151_0239 | Boar Statue |
2101151_0739 | Golden Boar Figurine |
2101153_0212 | Visage of the Great Boar Firework |
1624079_0418 | New Year's Gift |
2029500_0667 | Fortune's Favor Chest |
Professions | |
109628_0707 | Favors Melee • High Survivability • Weaponsmaster Warriors build their adrenaline by successfully striking an enemy, then expend it to unleash devastating burst attacks. Warriors are versatile and resilient fighters. |
109627_0449 | Favors Melee • Stealth and Evasion • Acrobatic Combat Thieves manage their initiative during combat, expending it to unleash carefully timed attacks. What they lack in defense, they make up for with skills to debilitate, teleport, or vanish from sight. |
109628_0201 | Favors Melee • Supports Allies • Defensive Magic Guardians gain powerful personal enhancements from their virtues, which they can briefly expend to aid friends or damage foes. Formidable on their own, guardians shine brightest in the company of allies. |
109627_0420 | Favors Ranged • Creates Illusions • Finesse and Misdirection Masters of magical misdirection, mesmers create and shatter clones and illusions of themselves in battle. Mesmers rely on evasion and subterfuge requiring finesse and practice to perfect. |
109629_0370 | Favors Ranged • Elemental Magic • Versatile Caster Elementalists harness the power of the four elements—water, earth, fire, and air—to cast powerful spells. Their ability to change their elemental attunement midcombat is versatile but difficult to master. |
109628_0594 | Favors Ranged • Pet Companion • Naturalist Rangers tame a variety of pet companions to complement their fighting style. Rounding out their arsenal with traps, nature spirits, and survival skills, they have the tools to take on any type of foe. |
109629_0318 | Favors Ranged • Summons Minions • Dark Magic Necromancers of Tyria are monsters on the battlefield, draining life force from their enemies and entering a death shroud that temporarily grants them powerful abilities and protects them from harm. |
109627_0818 | Melee or Ranged • Gadgets, Turrets, and Toolkits • Technomancer Engineers are jacks-of-all-trades and, with enough time, masters of many. Able to bring dozens of abilities and toolbelt skills to a fight, their art is in choosing the right one to utilize at the perfect time. |
963292_0906 | Melee or Ranged • Invokes Legendary Heroes • Magic-Wielding Fighter Revenants invoke the power of legendary heroes from Tyria's past, spending their own energy to channel the abilities used by those figures. They are reliable allies and dangerous enemies. |