Upcoming features from the May 28 patch

New legendary gear and the Shrine Guardian ears no longer use place holders.
Item | Description |
Armor | |
[&AgFQYQEAAA==] | Shrine Guardian Ears |
[&AgFpYQEAAA==] | Revered Shrine Guardian Ears |
Chair | |
[&AgF+YwEAAA==] | Skyscale Chair |
Glider | |
[&AgHdYwEAAA==] | Skyscale Squadron Glider |
Expedition Contract | |
[&AgG0YwEAAA==] | Season 4 Expedition Contract |
Legendary Ring | |
[&AgHkYwEA] | Coalescence (3 slots) |
Weapon Skins | |
[&CkIiAAA=] | Battle-Worn |
[&CkAiAAA=] | Caw |
[&Cj8iAAA=] | Contagion |
[&Cj0iAAA=] | Deadliest Game |
[&CkMiAAA=] | Decimator |
[&CkQiAAA=] | Falchion |
[&CkoiAAA=] | Fealty |
[&CjoiAAA=] | Fucales |
[&CjwiAAA=] | Greenbrier |
[&CjciAAA=] | Leech |
[&CkUiAAA=] | Old Ascalon |
[&CjkiAAA=] | Paleolith |
[&Cj4iAAA=] | Repellant |
[&CjgiAAA=] | Ruyi |
[&Ck0iAAA=] | Salvation |
[&CkwiAAA=] | Scryer's Circle |
[&CjYiAAA=] | Shaman's Vision |
[&CkciAAA=] | Sharkbait |
[&CkgiAAA=] | Sunder |
[&CkkiAAA=] | The Forest King |
[&CjUiAAA=] | True Mettle |
[&CkYiAAA=] | Turai's Shield |
[&CkEiAAA=] | Vulture's Steel |
[&CksiAAA=] | Water Dancer |
[&CjsiAAA=] | Wexx |
Infusion | |
2124325_0114 | Double-click to apply to an unused infusion slot. |
2124325_0126 | Mystic Infusion |
Bonus Weekends | |
2150161_0179 | Transform into a Bonus Box for 15 minutes or until hit. You cannot move while transformed. |
[&AgHPYwEA] | Endless Bonus Box Tonic |
[&AgHsYwEA] | Bonus Box of Goods |
2142003_0902 | / Community Tiers Completed |
[&AgHzYwEA] | Community Goal Reward: Tier 1 |
[&AgGLYwEA] | Community Goal Reward: Tier 2 |
[&AgEAZAEA] | Community Goal Reward: Tier 3 |
[&AgFNYwEA] | Community Goal Reward: Tier 4 |
[&AgH7YwEA] | Community Goal Reward: Tier 5 |
2150161_0273 | Meta-Event Community Goal: Tier 1 |
2150160_0321 | Meta-Event Community Goal: Tier 2 |
2150161_0267 | Meta-Event Community Goal: Tier 3 |
2150160_0560 | Meta-Event Community Goal: Tier 4 |
2150161_0122 | Meta-Event Community Goal: Tier 5 |
2142003_0193 | Participate in meta-events around Tyria to earn bonus rewards! |
Vision | |
[&AgGoYwEA] | Vision |
[&AgGbYwEA] | Glimpse |
[&AgHaYwEA] | Trance Stone |
[&AgGCYwEA] | Shattered Gift of Prescience |
2063934_0004 | Vision of Action: Domain of Istan |
2059820_0796 | Vision of Action: Domain of Kourna |
2063935_0069 | Vision of Action: Dragonfall |
2063935_0067 | Vision of Action: Jahai Bluffs |
2063934_0397 | Vision of Action: Sandswept Isles |
2059820_0475 | Vision of Action: Thunderhead Peaks |
2063934_0247 | Vision of Allies: Blish |
2063934_0654 | Vision of Allies: Braham |
2063934_0281 | Vision of Allies: Caithe |
2063934_0836 | Vision of Allies: Rox |
2063935_0025 | Vision of Allies: Taimi |
2063935_0094 | Vision of Allies: Zafirah |
2059820_0126 | Vision of Dragons: Aurene |
2063934_0473 | Vision of Enemies: Death-Branded Shatterer |
2063934_0982 | Vision of Enemies: Kuda's Subjects |
2059820_1022 | Vision of Enemies: Ley-Infused Enemy |
2063934_0764 | Vision of Enemies: Olori Ogun |
2063934_0363 | Vision of Enemies: Warden Amala |
2059820_0625 | Vision of Enemies: Wrathbringer |
2063935_0236 | Vision of Equipment: Astral Weapons |
2063935_0136 | Vision of Equipment: Banner of the Commander |
2059820_0468 | Vision of Equipment: Dragon Champion Armor |
2059820_0246 | Vision of Equipment: Dragonsblood Weapons |
2059820_0492 | Vision of Equipment: Elegy Armor |
2063934_0806 | Vision of Equipment: Olmakhan Bandolier |
2063934_1005 | Vision of Landscapes: Domain of Istan |
2063934_0667 | Vision of Landscapes: Domain of Kourna |
2063935_0180 | Vision of Landscapes: Dragonfall |
2063935_0195 | Vision of Landscapes: Jahai Bluffs |
2059820_0432 | Vision of Landscapes: Sandswept Isles |
2059820_1010 | Vision of Landscapes: Thunderhead Peaks |
Other | |
[&AgFeYwEA] | Ectoplasmic Stone |