Upcoming features from the August 13 patch

New gemstore items, PvP map, weapons and a new community event on the horizon.
- Charr Dye Kit
- Knife Tail Gang Hunting Bond
- Lightbinder Blade Sword Skin
- Lightbinder Blades
- Noble Courtier Appearance Package
- Noble Courtier Outfit
- Loading
Item | Description |
Birthday | |
[&AgEHZgEA] | Victory Rock |
[&AgESZgEA] | Victorious Anniversary Achievement Box |
Outfit | |
[&AgHnZQEAAA==] | Noble Courtier Outfit |
2163592_1002 | Noble Courtier Appearance Package |
Lightbinder | |
2163592_0980 | Lightbinder Blades Backpack and Glider Combo |
[&AgHgZQEAAA==] | Lightbinder Blades Wings |
[&AgEAZgEAAA==] | Lightbinder Blades Glider |
[&AgH/ZQEAAA==] | Lightbinder Blade Sword Skin |
Dye | |
[&AgEGZgEAAA==] | Charr Dye Kit |
[&AgHhZQEA] | Godless Dye |
[&AgHlZQEA] | Legionnaire Dye |
[&AgH6ZQEA] | Gladium Dye |
[&AgHtZQEA] | Tribune Dye |
[&AgHuZQEA] | Warband Dye |
[&AgEMZgEA] | Searing Dye |
Shiny! | |
[&AgEWZgEAAA==] | Knife Tail Gang Hunting Bond |
2179855_0159 | The Knife Tail Gang have broken into the Trading Company vaults, and Evon's furious! Use this bond to hunt Knife Tail Gang members. While bonded, any kill worth XP has a chance to reveal one of the Knife Tail Gang! Find them, and each bond will allow you to loot a piece of Recovered Black Lion Goods, which are yours to keep. Recovered goods will always unlock something from the Black Lion Trading Company in your wardrobe—weapons, exclusive dye colors, even mounts! |
PvP | |
1862781_0927 | Auric Span |
1862782_0493 | In overtime, healing and stealth are disabled and the map will slowly be covered by deadly fog. |
1862782_0934 | Defeat the enemy team to win! |
Mist Lord Weapons | |
[&Cr0iAAA=] | Mist Lord's Axe |
[&CrYiAAA=] | Mist Lord's Dagger |
[&CsEiAAA=] | Mist Lord's Focus |
[&CrIiAAA=] | Mist Lord's Greatsword |
[&CrwiAAA=] | Mist Lord's Hammer |
[&CrEiAAA=] | Mist Lord's Longbow |
[&CrciAAA=] | Mist Lord's Mace |
[&CsAiAAA=] | Mist Lord's Pistol |
[&CroiAAA=] | Mist Lord's Rifle |
[&Cq4iAAA=] | Mist Lord's Scepter |
[&CrQiAAA=] | Mist Lord's Shield |
[&CrUiAAA=] | Mist Lord's Short Bow |
[&CsIiAAA=] | Mist Lord's Staff |
[&CrsiAAA=] | Mist Lord's Sword |
[&CrkiAAA=] | Mist Lord's Torch |
[&Cq8iAAA=] | Mist Lord's Warhorn |
2142003_0395 | Mist Lord's Weapon Box |
2124325_0929 | Contains a choice of Mist Lord's weapons. |
Events | |
[&AgHiZQEA] | Endless Champion Angry Chest Tonic |
[&AgEIZgEA] | Champion Mark |
2179854_0928 | Can be traded with Consortium officers in cities to advance the community goal for the Champion Rush bonus event. |
2163592_0746 | Bonus Event: Champion Rush |
2163592_0985 | Attention Heroes! To celebrate the seventh anniversary of Guild Wars 2, an extra bounty has been placed on champion-rank enemies fought in Central Tyria. Champions defeated before 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) on Tuesday, August 27 in various regions of Kryta, the Shiverpeaks, Ascalon, the Maguuma Jungle, and Orr will grant you Champion Marks, which can be traded with Consortium officers in major cities for Bonus Boxes of Goods. Additionally, if the community defeats enough of these champions, all participants will be granted bonus rewards. See Bonus Events in the Achievements tab of the Hero panel for more info. Participants will have until 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) on September 9 to claim their community-goal rewards. Happy hunting! This event is not active in Lake Doric, the Bitterfrost Frontier, Dry Top, or the Silverwastes. |
2179855_0604 | Bonus Event: Daily Champion Rush—Ascalon |
2179855_0788 | Bonus Event: Daily Champion Rush—Kryta |
2179855_0898 | Bonus Event: Daily Champion Rush—Maguuma Jungle |
2179855_0342 | Bonus Event: Daily Champion Rush—Orr |
2179855_0161 | Bonus Event: Daily Champion Rush—Shiverpeaks |
[&AgHvZQEA] | Community Goal Reward: Tier 1 |
[&AgHcZQEA] | Community Goal Reward: Tier 2 |
[&AgEVZgEA] | Community Goal Reward: Tier 3 |
[&AgHdZQEA] | Community Goal Reward: Tier 4 |
[&AgHkZQEA] | Community Goal Reward: Tier 5 |
Quality of life | |
2186119_0105 | Enable Anti-addiction Reminders |