Upcoming features from the October 29 patch

Build templates are here.
- Primal Warden Outfit
- Primal Warden Appearance Package
- Great Lodge Chair
- Norn Dye Kit
- Build and Equipment Expansion Package
- Build Storage Expansion
- Build Template Expansion
- Equipment Template Expansion
Item | Description |
Primal Warden | |
[no code] | Primal Warden Appearance Package |
[&AgEoaAEAAA==] | Primal Warden Outfit |
Chair | |
[&AgEvaAEAAA==] | Great Lodge Chair |
Build Templates | |
[no code] | Build and Equipment Expansion Package |
[&AgEuaAEAAA==] | Build Storage Expansion |
[&AgExaAEAAA==] | Build Template Expansion |
[&AgEraAEAAA==] | Equipment Template Expansion |
Dye Kits | |
[&AgEpaAEAAA==] | Norn Dye Kit |
2207887_0199 | Havroun Dye |
2207887_0256 | Hunt Dye |
2207887_0281 | Alemoot Dye |
2207887_0307 | Exodus Dye |
2207887_0661 | Legend Dye |
2207888_0290 | Spirits Dye |
Build Templates | |
2085251_0566 | Build Template is incompatible with your currently equipped weapon. Weapon skills are temporarily unavailable while this build is active. |
2085251_0863 | Build Template contains untrained revenant legends. |
2101150_0418 | Build Template contains elements requiring Guild Wars 2 content you do not currently own. |
2101151_0136 | Build Template contains elements that are not available at your current level. |
2101151_0380 | Build Template contains skills you have yet to train. |
2101151_0602 | Build Template contains specializations you have yet to train. |
2101151_0660 | Build Template contains pets that you have not tamed. |
2101152_0235 | Build Template contains elements that cannot be used in the current game mode. |
2101152_0526 | Build Template contains traits you have yet to train. |
2101152_0776 | Build Template is invalid. |
2101152_0912 | Build Template contains elements that can't be used by your character's race. |
2101152_0984 | Build Template is incompatible with your current profession. |
2156689_0249 | Build Template Expansion |
2156689_0996 | No additional Build Template tabs are available to purchase. Thank you for your support of Guild Wars 2! |