Upcoming features from the March 17 patch
Tuesday 17th of March 2020



Dream Walker
[&AgFCbAEAAA==]Dreamwalker Wings Backpack and Glider Combo
[&ClIkAAA=]Dream Walker Wings Backpack
[&AgFDbAEAAA==]Glacial Chair
Abbys Stalker
[no code]Abyss Stalker Appearance Package
[&AgHCawEAAA==]Abyss Stalker Cape
[&AgFHbAEAAA==]Abyss Stalker Outfit
Ebon Vanguard
2150160_0622Open to choose an Ebon Vanguard Shoulder.
2150160_0710Shoulders of the Ebon Vanguard Choice Chest
Stone Summit (light)
[&CiokAAA=]Stone Summit Helmet (light)
[&Ci4kAAA=]Stone Summit Gauntlets (light)
[&CkQkAAA=]Stone Summit Pauldrons (light)
[&Cm8kAAA=]Stone Summit Boots (light)
Stone Summit (medium)
[&Cj0kAAA=]Stone Summit Helmet (medium)
[&Cj8kAAA=]Stone Summit Gauntlets (medium)
[&Cl8kAAA=]Stone Summit Pauldrons (medium)
[&ClskAAA=]Stone Summit Boots (medium)
Stone Summit (heavy)
[&CiAkAAA=]Stone Summit Helmet (heavy)
[&CjwkAAA=]Stone Summit Gauntlets (heavy)
[&CiskAAA=]Stone Summit Pauldrons (heavy)
[&CmQkAAA=]Stone Summit Boots (heavy)
Runic Armor
[&CjMkAAA=]Runic Hunter Boots
[&CmokAAA=]Runic Hunter Coat
[&CjUkAAA=]Runic Hunter Gloves
[&ClEkAAA=]Runic Hunter Mask
[&CnAkAAA=]Runic Hunter Pants
[&ClckAAA=]Runic Hunter Shoulders
[&CkUkAAA=]Runic Shaman Boots
[&CiMkAAA=]Runic Shaman Coat
[&CiYkAAA=]Runic Shaman Gloves
[&CmIkAAA=]Runic Shaman Mantle
[&CjAkAAA=]Runic Shaman Mask
[&Cj4kAAA=]Runic Shaman Pants
[&ClYkAAA=]Runic Slayer Breastplate
[&CjIkAAA=]Runic Slayer Gauntlets
[&CiwkAAA=]Runic Slayer Greaves
[&CikkAAA=]Runic Slayer Helm
[&ClQkAAA=]Runic Slayer Pauldrons
[&CmYkAAA=]Runic Slayer Tassets
[&CiEkAAA=]Runic Cape
Stone Summit Weapons
[&CkwkAAA=]Stone Summit Cannon
Dark Wing Weapons
[&CmUkAAA=]Dark Wing Axe
[&Ch4kAAA=]Dark Wing Dagger
[&Ck4kAAA=]Dark Wing Focus
[&CkAkAAA=]Dark Wing Greatsword
[&CmgkAAA=]Dark Wing Hammer
[&CmckAAA=]Dark Wing Longbow
[&ChskAAA=]Dark Wing Mace
[&Ci0kAAA=]Dark Wing Pistol
[&Ch8kAAA=]Dark Wing Rifle
[&CickAAA=]Dark Wing Scepter
[&Ck0kAAA=]Dark Wing Shield
[&CigkAAA=]Dark Wing Short Bow
[&Ci8kAAA=]Dark Wing Staff
[&CjckAAA=]Dark Wing Sword
[&CkgkAAA=]Dark Wing Torch
[&CmAkAAA=]Dark Wing Warhorn
Flame Legion Weapons
[&CkkkAAA=]Flame Legion Combat Blade
[&ClkkAAA=]Flame Legion Flamesaw
[&ClUkAAA=]Flame Legion Longshot
[&ClokAAA=]Flame Legion Pistol
[&CkMkAAA=]Flame Legion Staff
Blood Legion Weapons
[&CmwkAAA=]Blood Legion Combat Blade
[&Cl4kAAA=]Blood Legion Flamesaw
[&CmEkAAA=]Blood Legion Longshot
[&Ck8kAAA=]Blood Legion Pistol
[&ChwkAAA=]Blood Legion Staff
Ash Legion Weapons
[&CkokAAA=]Ash Legion Combat Blade
[&Ch0kAAA=]Ash Legion Flamesaw
[&CnEkAAA=]Ash Legion Longshot
[&ClwkAAA=]Ash Legion Pistol
[&ChkkAAA=]Ash Legion Staff
Steel Warband Weapons
[&CiQkAAA=]Banner of the Steel Warband
[&CjskAAA=]Steel Warband Combat Blade
[&ClgkAAA=]Steel Warband Flamesaw
[&CkIkAAA=]Steel Warband Longshot
[&CiIkAAA=]Steel Warband Pistol
[&Cm0kAAA=]Steel Warband Staff
Iron Legion Weapons
[&CmMkAAA=]Iron Legion Combat Blade
[&CjokAAA=]Iron Legion Flamesaw
[&Cm4kAAA=]Iron Legion Longshot
[&ChokAAA=]Iron Legion Pistol
[&CjEkAAA=]Iron Legion Staff
Mini Pets
[&AgH7awEA]Mini Cinder Steeltemper
[&AgHzawEA]Mini Nicabar Steelweaver
[&AgEybAEA]Mini Ranoah Grindsteel
[&AgGqawEA]Mini Ryland Steelcatcher
[&AgHEawEA]Mini Vishen Steelshot
2175220_0865Combine with a Gift of the Mists, a Gift of Competitive Dedication, and a Salt-Forged Mist Diamond in the Mystic Forge to create the Gift of the Champion.
2179854_0728In the Mystic Forge, combine a Vial of Salt, an Emblem of Victory, a Mist Diamond, and a Mist-Enhanced Orichalcum to create a Salt-Forged Mist Diamond.
2215800_0866In the Mystic Forge, combine a Gift of Warfare, an Emblem of the Conqueror, a Mist Pearl, and a Mist-Enhanced Mithril to create a War Commendation.
2221777_0117In the Mystic Forge, combine Slumbering Conflux, 250 Unidentified Dyes, an Emblem of the Avenger, and an Alpha Siege Golem Blueprint to create Conflux.
2221777_0526In the Mystic Forge, combine Slumbering Transcendence, 250 Unidentified Dyes, an Emblem of Tournament Victory, and an Essence of Llamatic Elegance to create Transcendence.
[&AgFfAAAA]Visions of the Past: Steel and Fire