Upcoming features from the May 11 patch

Today's data-mining post is going to be a lot shorter than you're used to because they've made a very significant change to the client today to spare you the technical details: every single line of text has been replaced with a new one, so everything that's old is new today. At least here's the upcoming gemstore items and schedule.
Item | Description |
Ice Reaver Armor | |
[&AgELcwEAAA==] | Ice Reaver Chestguard Skin |
[&AgEUcwEAAA==] | Ice Reaver Legguards Skin |
Demon Wings | |
[&AgEScwEAAA==] | Cute Demon Wings Glider |
[&AgEPcwEAAA==] | Cute Demon Wings Backpack |
Jukebox | |
[&AgEHcwEA] | Forming a New Legion |
[&AgEJcwEA] | Steel Tactics |
[&AgEKcwEA] | Across the Sea of Sorrow |
[&AgENcwEA] | Jormag Speaks |
[&AgEOcwEA] | Forging Steel |
[&AgEQcwEA] | Edge of the Mists |
[&AgERcwEA] | The Lunatic Court |
[&AgETcwEA] | Wintersday in Lion's Arch |
[&AgEVcwEA] | TT6-B Devourer |
[&AgEWcwEA] | The Icebrood Saga |
[&AgEIcwEA] | Full Collection |