Upcoming features from the May 25 patch

Season 2 has finally launched?
Item | Description |
Legendary | |
[&AgEfcwEA] | Fragment of Prismatic Light |
2449537_0074 | Unlocks your choice of an End of Dragons Legendary Precursor weapon. Redeemable in End of Dragons. Once this item has been acquired, it can be safely sold or discarded. |
[&AgEzcwEA] | Prismatic Champion's Inheritance |
2449537_0213 | Double-click to gain the legendary amulet Prismatic Champion's Regalia. |
Armor | |
[&AgEacwEAAA==] | Shatterspark Shoulders Skin |
Mount | |
[&AgEwcwEAAA==] | Mossback Skimmer Skin |
Cape | |
[&ChUnAAA=] | Starborn Cape |
Living World | |
2441711_0153 | A bonus event for returning to Living World story chapter missions and maps is active this week! In case you don't own the related episodes yet, here are free unlocks. |
2449536_0524 | Return to the Living World Story |
2441713_0032 | Return to Gates of Maguuma and Entanglement |
2441711_0617 | Return to The Dragon's Reach |
2441711_1013 | Return to Echoes of the Past and Tangled Paths |
2441711_1000 | Return to Seeds of Truth and Point of No Return |
2441711_0340 | Return to Out of the Shadows |
2441712_0983 | Return to Rising Flames |
2441712_0982 | Return to A Crack in the Ice |
2441713_0345 | Return to The Head of the Snake |
2441712_0430 | Return to Flashpoint |
2441713_0918 | Return to One Path Ends |
Fractal Rush | |
[&AgElcwEA] | Fractal Troubleshooter's Star |
2441712_0489 | Rush Merchant |
2441687_0529 | Fractal Rush Rewards |
2441687_0889 | Fractal Rush Trophy |
2441711_0819 | Fractal Rush Global Ranks |
2441711_0861 | Earn Fractal Rush Trophies by completing fractals, and trade them to vendors for prizes and global progress! |
Mists Arena | |
2441645_0971 | Mists Arena Spectator Rally Point |
2441646_0050 | Mists Arena Red Team Rally Point |
2441646_0249 | Mists Arena Blue Team Rally Point |
2441646_0512 | You must be a member of a Mists Arena team to set foot in the Arena. Commune with a team flag to choose one. |
2441650_0261 | You must be a member of a Mists Arena team to set foot in the Arena. |
2441620_0744 | Battle-Hardened Kit |
2441621_0800 | Contains PvP and WvW Reward Track progress, food, and valuable items. Double-click to open. |
Other | |
[&AgEqcwEA] | 32-Slot Hero's Trusty Backpack |
2441713_0090 | Community Warlord |
2441714_0573 | Community Hero |
2441714_0769 | Community Drift Master |
[&AgEXcwEA] | Pact Fleet Weapon Cache |
[&AgErcwEA] | Ley Line Weapon Cache |